I know this picture is not funny or anything... I dont have time to entertain the camera every day... but I am charming every day!

So at first I was not very keen on walking... much like my mom I love to sleep and I can also be a bit lazy. I also hated the leash and the harness.... it scared me and I couldnt figure out what the deal was with that.... but after several attempts at walking with mom (amanda) and dad (graeme) where they dragged me down the sidewalk or through the grass.... I have gradually begun to take some steps....
You'll be amazed to know that just last weekend I took a walk into the local city centre.... and I walked almost the whole way there and part of the way back ( It is just over a mile into the city centre). Thats pretty far for someone who is like 6 inches tall with like 2-3 inch legs!
Last night they decided to take me out for a walk.... but it was freakin FREEZING! I had my new shirt on (which I will show you as soon as dad gets the pics on the computer), but it was still so cold and very windy ( I was blown across the road at one point!) Anyway..... I decided since dad was a few steps ahead of us to run and catch up..... and then he started runnign and of course mom had to run to keep up with us! We ran for what seemed like AGES... we ran all through the neighborhood and then down the main street a little ways.... until I got tired and then I wanted my mom to hold me and put me in her coat to keep me warm. It didnt take long though before I wanted back down to run the rest of the way home!
I cant believe how much I love walking... errr RUNNING now!